PDFCool Studio Help
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Add Barcode

As a graphics identifier to show a group of information, barcode can mark out a product¡¯s producer, producing country, manufactory, product name and production date etc. With "Add Barcode" tool of PDFCool Studio, the user can add the relevant text or date information to PDF document.

1. Open "Add Barcode" dialog

From the top menu bar, go to "Tools > Add Barcode";

2. Choose the PDF document you want to add barcode

Click on the dropdown list of Document option, and choose one from the PDF documents opened in program;

3. Type text or date infromation which is relevant to the PDF document to the Text box

4. Choose the barcode type

Add one-dimensional barcode:
Choose "One-demensional barcode" option;
Choose the proper parameters of Width, Height, Left and Top in the Size and Position box to set the one-dimensional barcode size and its position in the PDF document;
Choose a proper one from the None, Clockwise, Anti-clockwise and 180 degrees options in the Rotation radio box to set one-dimensional barcode rotation;
Choose Code 39 or Code 128 in "Barcode Type" radio box to set the type.

Add two-dimensional barcode:
Choose the DataMatrix (two-dimensional barcode) option;
Choose the proper parameters of Left and Top to set the two-dimensional barcode¡¯s position in the PDF document; Choose proper parameters in "Module Size and Symble Size" box to set the two-dimensional barcode¡¯s module size and symble size.

Note: DataMatrix is a two-dimensional barcode which can store from 1 to about 2, 000 characters.
ModuleSize is used for the width and height of the dots which make up the symbol.

5. Choose the pages needed to add the barcode

With the Page Range, the user can select the pages needed to add the barcode (details go to the Common Work Area);

6. Click on the Apply button to finish the adding barcode process
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